An inspiring diploma program where creativity flourishes, ideas come to life, and entrepreneurs discover their unlimited potential to transform the business world. With the support of expert instructors certified in EC0217, participants develop a Business Model, a Life Plan, and a Business Plan.
Contact usIntervention model
5 hours
- To complete the business plan, business model, and life plan.
- Guidance on business registration procedures.
100 hours
Entrepreneurship Workshop
- Human development.
- Management and marketing.
- Accounting and finance.
- Sales and customer service.
- Business formalization.
26 hours
Digital Trends and Resources
- Trends for entrepreneurs
- Social media
- E-commerce
- Business model
Results 2013-2022
- 24396
Indirect Beneficiaries
40% (1,406 people) were employed, 35% (1,203 people) were self-employed, and 25% (879 people) were unemployed.
- 3649
Jobs Created
22% (773 businesses) belonged to the industry sector, 40% (1,406 businesses) to services, and 38% (1,336 businesses) to commerce.
- 3515
Trained People
A total of 3,515 people were trained, of whom 2,044 were women, representing 58%, and 1,471 were men, equivalent to 42%.
- 795
Legally Established Businesses
During the training stage, 64% (2,240 people) were in the startup phase, while 36% (1,275 people) were in the improvement phase.
Monthly sales of $42,852,774 were generated.
- 97%
Learned to plan for the future
- 98%
Learned to make decisions
- 96%
Improved their emotional well-being